Solve et Coagula, Film and Performance (plus18)

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Location: MACA, 20.00- 22:00
By: Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule (he/him)

An EsotErotic, Surreal and psychedelic journey of re-enchantment, SOLVE et COAGULA is writer-director Orryelle’s first feature-length film. Its central message of the reintegration of spirit and matter, mind and body is pertinent in our disconnected times…
The ancient Thracian bard Orpheus laments ever for his lost love Eurydice. Having returned from the Underworld in his attempts to retrieve her, he can now no longer die, yet lacks presence. So the maenads tear him limb from limb…
Two thousand years later: An immortal head, disembodied, aware now of the power of the physical form in which it is forever encased. Upon the Templar altar, wise yet carnal, the only way it can now enjoy the idea of a body is through vicarious experience of others enjoying theirs. Thus with the heightened senses remaining in the head, s/he desires to create a new physical vessel…


Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule is a multi-talented esoteric artist who works in a variety of media including painting, writing, sculpture, sound, film, and performance art. He is the writer and director of the Metamorphic Ritual Theatre Company, which has presented numerous original productions based on ancient myths. Orryelle is also the creator of the Tela Quadrivium book series and The Book of Kaos Tarot. Recently, Orryelle completed his first feature film, ‘Solve et Coagula’, which deals with the themes of the head of Orpheus, which is disembodied by Nymphs after his inability to process the grief of loss for her beloved. Orryelle developed a performance that will be combined with the screening of the film.

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