By: Sajjra Xhrs Galarreta Pando (he/him)
Location: MACA, 19:20-20:00
Sajjra Xhrs Galarreta Pando (Peru, 1976) is one of the important figures of the South American underground. Going back and forth from Europe, Asia, Middle East Latin America and his homeland, he has been experimenting with music, noise and arts in a strictly DIY way since 1995. This philosophy has led him to expand his poetry into realms such as song writing, installation art, software-hardware hacking, free improvisation, electroacustic and psychoacoustic compositions. His constant metamorphosis has given rise to numerous aliases and side projects: Aloardi, DiosMeHaViolado, Evamuss, Christian Galarreta, Tica, and Invisible Architecture among others.
Sajjra emerged from the depths of the Uku Pacha in 2012, merging psychedelic songs with andean-tropical music and radical sound experimentation.
Sajjra’s new album titled “Serpent is Present” has been chosen as the album of the year 2023 by the blog “PerĂº Avantgarde” and occupies third position in the ranking of the blog “Tesoros Mundanos”. It was published in September 2023 by Aloardi (Peru – Holland) in handmade lenticular posters format and by Arsenic Solaris (France) on CD. In anticipation of this release, in July, Aloardi published the single “Srpnt s Prsnt” as a handmade 3D lenticular postcard designed in three different versions by Margarita Milova.